joi, 17 iunie 2010

street soccer legend

About street football

The term street football encompasses a number of informal varieties of association football. These informal games do not necessarily utilise the requirements of a formal game of football, such as a large field, field markings, goal apparatus and corner flags, eleven players per team (with a minimum of seven per team), or match officials (referee and assistant referees).

Often the most basic of set-ups will involve just a ball with a wall or fence used as a goal, or items such as clothing being used for goalposts (hence the phrase "jumpers for goalposts"). The ease of playing these informal games explains that they are popular all over the world.

Street football can be divided into three varieties: minor adaptations of the association football rules, games based on scoring goals and games which are not.

Great Quality

Street Football game image

Street Soccer Tornament

England Street Football Tournament

Football is an art

French Boy Performing

Hard Soccer

Street Football.Hard football


Football Crash

Street Football Game Screen